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Conférence à la Royal Dan­ish Acad­emy of Sci­ences and Let­ters

09 January 2014
catégorisé sous: événements

The Royal Academy Lecture in the Humanities and Social Sciences invite Bruno Latour à intervenir le mercredi 26 février à 17h à la Royal Library, The Black Diamant. La conférence (en anglais) porte sur "The Affects of Capitalism":

Through the work of science studies applied to the peculiar discipline of economics, a very innovative view of the ways in which the "economic infrastructure" affects people has been proposed. However, it is not always clear in what way it modifies the older ideas of capitalism and the distribution of political positions that have been generated by such concept. The lecture will illustrate this new view by showing the place of Economics in modern anthropology, and which redefinition of politics it entails.

Inscription ouverte à partir du 31 janvier 2014 à ce lien

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