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Semiotics Seminar: AIME and semiotics, 7 May 2014, Paris

07 May 2014

Invited by the co-organizers of the seminar on semiotics from l'Université Paris IV – La Sorbonne, l'Université de Limoges and l'Université Paris 8, Bruno Latour talks with semioticians on two separate occasions on the 9 April and the 7 May, 2014.
Semiotics Seminar: IME and semiotics

Séance 2 (7 mai 2014)

Bruno LATOUR (2) Can we use semiotics as a metalanguage for capturing the differences between the modes of existence?

Pablo FABBRI follows with a talk on "Efficient enactments: tactics and de-ontology".

Vidéo (in French) : Débora de Carvalho Pereira

Seminar co-organizers: Denis Bertrand, Anne Hénault, Jean-François Bordron and Ivan Darrault.

Place: Université Paris IV-La Sorbonne - Maison de la Recherche. 28, rue Serpente, 75005
Paris. Room D 323
Time: 1 - 4 p.m.

Seminar programme:

Bibliography and resources:

Latour, Bruno. (2013). An Inquiry into Modes of Existence. An Anthropology of the Moderns. London: Harvard University Press.

Maniglier, Patrice. (2006). La vie énigmatique des signes :Saussure et la naissance du structuralisme. Paris: Léo Scheer.

Actes sémiotiques, n°117, 2014

Link to the previous session (9 April 2014)

[Thanks to Cormac O'Keefee for the tranlation]

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