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[MET] (Mind/Body) Workshop, 11 February 2014, Paris - Schedule

11 February 2014
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[MET] (Mind/Body) Workshop

11 February 2014 (2-6 pm)

Sciences Po, 28 rue des Saints-Pères 75007 Paris

A working session with Tobie Nathan, Philippe Pignarre, Antoine Hennion, Allan and Janet Tobin, members of the Dingdingdong collective. The aim is to bring out the differences between the beings of metamorphisis [MET] and those called reference [REF], so as to work towards a formulation of ontological pluralism suited to the inquriry that will be understandable and acceptable to psychiatrists. That is, a more diplomatic formulation of the eternal "Mind/Body" problem.

Schedule (2-6 pm)

Introduction by Bruno Latour

Valérie Pihet and Emilie Hermant on Dingdingdong

General discussion with Bruno Latour, Janet Hadda [JH], (Professor of Yiddish, Emerita, UCLA; Training and Supervising Analyst, New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles) ; Allan Tobin [AT], Professor Emeritus, UCLA, Chercheur Invité, Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, Mines-ParisTech), Jacques Boulanger (Psychatrist, Psychanalyst, Toulouse), Tobie Nathan (Ethnopsychatrist)

Team members and other participants to the discussion: Christophe Leclercq, Pierre-Laurent Boulanger, Pierre Jullian de la Fuente, Barbara Bender, Aubane Fontaine, Philippe Pignarre, Antoine Hennion, Nicolas Prignot, Patrice Maniglier, Michael Thomas.

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